Friday, April 12, 2013

SFF Saturday April 13, 2013

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Prisoner 1138 isn't feeling so well.....
Entry 9

The ridiculous excuses for food taste worse than ever.  I don't know how that's possible, but I'm even less inclined to eat.

The atmospheric filters appear to be malfunctioning as well. Mild irritants have caused my mucus membranes to swell and start leaking. This might be a result of the damaged pressure valve in my cell, though, because my ears and sinuses feel clogged.

I have no energy for experiments.  I cannot focus on the texts regarding extending kinetic battery life.

The temperature controls are fluctuating wildly.  I have been both over-heated and shivering with cold in the span of four hours.

I am prisoner 1138, but my name is..... Abraham...bin Navi


  1. Hey! So that's what's going on with me. Atmospheric controls and filters and such.

    How did he contract a virus without contact from others? If it was airborne, he must have other life forms in closer proximity than he realized.

  2. Ugh...catching that nonsense is bad enough when you're not being held prisoner...

  3. Of all the times to get sick, it had to be while he's a prisoner. I also noticed the hesitation with reciting his last name. Is that due to being sick or staying too long in his cell without having contact with anyone?

  4. So does he have a virus, or is this all caused by fiddling with the conditions in his cell?

  5. That's a great way of describing what sounds like allergies...or is it the flu?

  6. Damn, his conditions are worsening quickly. Are his jailers negligent or are they not even there? These necessary systems failing does not bode well. Great snippet.

  7. I like the details surrounding his futuristic prison. Was a time when bread and water were the basics for prisoner life but depending on the environment, it could get a whole lot more complicated with some interesting effects. Cool Stuff.

  8. Could be the flu...could be his captors toying with him.

    Damn, I want to know which it is!!

  9. He's definitely got to get out of there (get him out!).

  10. What an entry! I commend him for actually writing anything while he's feeling this way, lol. Good snippet!

    (This is S.C. Wade.... There're problems with some of the "Comment as" functions)
