Friday, May 24, 2013

SFF Saturday 5-25-2013

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When last we saw Prisoner 1138, he was convinced the life support systems in his cell were malfunctioning.  This is one scientist who forgot his clinical training...

Entry 10

This is more effective than any experiment I could have devised.  If I am truly being watched, then surely my captors would have intervened by now.  Uneaten food lies  piled beneath the food dispensing slot. The air reeks of sweat and that particular "sick-room" smell that can never quite be eliminated by aerosolized disinfectant.

At this point I must assume that my med-chip data is not being monitored either, or it is and they are collating data points on my symptom progression. I have not risen from my bed in over a day.  The linens around me are smeared with mucous, some of it, to my horror, now containing blood.  Is this their plan?  A final cruel irony--that I face the misery I inflicted, and will inflict, on so many others?

I am Prisoner 1138.  I am Dr. bin Navi.  I am dying.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh...I absolutely love the detached clinical manner in which the Prisoner/Dr evaluates his own situation. Something is definitely going on here...but what?
