Friday, February 17, 2012

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday 2/18/2012

I'm participating in Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday. Hop on over THERE to find submissions from other sci-fi and fantasy authors! Also find us on Twitter with the hashtag #sffsat .

The is a scene from my novel Dremiks, which will be released in March. Enjoy!

Doctor Ben Fortunas snorted. “Does she respond to my complaints? Yes. Respond as I would like, as she should? Not a damn bit. Human women, lad, are a conundrum surrounded by a gravity well. You’ll get sucked in and discover only circular logic and mind-numbing prattle.”
Though a particularly descriptive insight, Dwax thought, it wasn’t much help towards his greater goal. How was he to understand humans if they didn’t understand themselves?


  1. "Human women, lad, are a conundrum surrounded by a gravity well."

    AMEN! :-D

    Fun little snippet...enjoyed it.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. T. M., did that Amen need to be in all caps? ;)

    Cute snippet, Cassandra!
    BTW, how did you get the FB LIKE button in your posts--is it a feature in your template or do you code it in each time? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. The FB like for each post is a code thing. I'll dig through the HTML later today and find it for you. I just woke up and I have the flu, so I need fortification before dealing with code!

  3. "Women are a conundrum surrounded by a gravity well. You’ll get sucked in and discover only circular logic and mind-numbing prattle..." Can you believe I've almost used this exact analogy to describe my wife at times? Except instead of 'gravity well' I used 'tornado' and instead of 'circular logic' I said 'hair clips.' So, it's almost the same. Nice snippet.

    1. Thanks for the giggle. I'll have to include a line about hair-clip tornadoes in the sequel.

  4. Amusing snippet! And congratulations on the release next month!!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!

  5. Hehe - love it. Very insightful indeed... though I might argue that we're simpler, at the core, that appearances make people believe :-D

    1. I agree. The rules for SFFSat say 10 sentences or less, so I couldn't give you the full scene. Let's just say Dr. Fortunas has cause to be particularly irked at a certain female assistant. (And that the assistant finds his annoyance extremely satisfying!)

  6. I love the last line about understanding humans when they don't understand themselves. I feel that way a lot since I have Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism.I can't wait to read more. Looking forward to seeing more of Dr. Fortunas and this female assistant.

    Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your upcoming release.

  7. Poor Dwax! That professor isn't much help at all. So much for human education. Quite the amusing snippet! I hope your release next month goes well.

  8. Great snippet. I love how you've written Doctor Fortuna. This sounds like an intriguing story!

  9. The Doctor is great, humorous and just no help at all.Nice snippet.

  10. Ooh! Sounds good. Can't wait for the rest.

  11. I like the idea of being a conundrum. :)
