Friday, January 4, 2013

SFF Saturday 1-4-13

See the pretty picture?  Click on it, go read some great new fiction.

Prisoner 1138 continues his journal entries....

Entry 6

The depression continues, kept at bay with sheer stubbornness and my daily exercise routine. The boredom is more insidious. Yes, my jailers gave me a tablet loaded with the entire contents of the Library of Congress--but they studiously censored anything pertaining to my previous fields of interest. (Not that it would matter, I either have read or wrote all of the major scholarly works on viral genetic manipulation.) No, the problem continues to be the exasperatingly short battery life of the tablet. Reading 15 minute's worth of Candide is enough to drive me insane under the best of circumstances.  I need to find some serialized fiction, something meant to be consumed in small doses. Alternately, I need to read more about modern kinetic battery design.

I am prisoner 1138, but my name is Abraham bin Navi.


  1. 15 minutes of battery? That seems like cruel and unusual punishment!

    As an aside, I like the mention of Candide here. The use of it as a symbol for your theme is absolutely brilliant.

  2. Only 15 minutes! Ack! That IS torture!! Good stuff.

  3. Viral genetic manipulation and kinetic battery design. What could he be up to?

  4. Don't you hate it when simple stuff like batteries fail? And viral genetic manipulation? Why yes I DO want to read more of this

  5. Sounds to me like his captors have manipulated the battery life.

  6. It seems like everything is just restrictive enough to drive the prisoner crazy in his isolation. It's terrifying, but his account is so interesting.

  7. Wow. Great glimpse into this character. You really see how this person's brain is wired. Loved it. Prisoner 1138... Any relation to THX? ;)

  8. The plot thickens...intriguing.

    :) Heidi

  9. Ah ha! Now we know a bit more about why he might be there.

    And man, a tablet that only lasts 15 minutes? That would be torture!
