Friday, October 26, 2012

SFF Saturday 10-27-2012

I sincerely hope y'all are taking my weekly advice and discovering all of the talent available at Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday.  Fellow SFFSaturday authors, please forgive my delay in commenting on your works.  I'm in the process of moving from San Francisco to Seattle.  My internet connections are spotty, at best. Only the wonders of "scheduling" blog posts allow me to get these entries up with any regularity.

Another week, another entry from prisoner 1138.  And, yes, fellow geeks will recognize that number as a quiet homage to the worlds of George Lucas.

Entry 3

The food here sucks.  I know, not a very original complaint, from a prisoner especially, but it's been on my mind.  Yesterday I screamed "THIS TASTES LIKE DIRT" at my cell wall.  The acoustics in here are quite fascinating and served to distract me from the dirt-food.  All of our years of technological advances, and we still cannot make protein bars taste like anything except dirt flavored cardboard. My diet consists of a vitamin-protein bar, and instant oatmeal (lukewarm) for breakfast, a protein bar for lunch, and (shocking!) a protein bar for dinner.  Of course I get three bottles of water a day.  I should be grateful for food--even that which is delivered via a wall chute with mechanical regularity--given the mass starvations on Earth. But, damn it, even a few wormy apples would be better than this crap.

I am prisoner 1138, but my name is Abraham bin Navi


  1. I'm just curious. What does dirt taste like? I don't think it tastes like chicken.

    1. My younger brother once made a similar comment after I complained that the sugar tasted like dirt. He quipped-- "I wouldn't know what dirt tastes like". I volunteered to correct that knowledge gap for him. :P

  2. It has to be pretty bad if you consider a wormy apple as an improvement. :-)

  3. I would've screamed out it tasted like something else, but that's just me personally. ;P Great snippet as usual... Staying tuned to the same bat channel for next weeks installment!!

  4. Great description. I love the wall chute. You give a real feel for the complete isolation of his condition.

    Yes, I had a mini-geekgasm over the use of 1138.

    Good luck with the move! Hope you find your booze.

  5. Ouch... Abraham has my deepest sympathies. The bitterness in his words comes across strongly.

  6. "and (shocking!) a protein bar for dinner."

    A smart-ass prisoner--love it!

    Great little snippet.

    :) Heidi

  7. He's still taking his imprisonment very well. The humor I expect, but to be so lighthearted? He's a very interesting prisoner. Great snippet. And good luck on the nove!

  8. I like the bitter frustration of this snippet. And the implied sameness of the days of a prisoner. Good job!

  9. There are protein sources and protein sources, and I wonder what those bars are fabricated from?

  10. At least the food chute doesn't deliver with irregularity. Imagine what the apples would look like then!!

  11. Ooh, I like this. And you use sound and taste in your descriptive narrative. Nice. We see that even though he's a prisoner, his will hasn't been broken. And yes, I, too, had a mini geekgasm over the use of "1138". :D Nice work!

  12. I'm guessing even the worms in a wormy apple would taste better than the protein bars.

    Wonderful snippet!

  13. Nice to see he is still snarky! Great snippet and good luck with your move :)
